
One Step RT-qPCR Probe Kit v2

REF No.:
  • EG22109S
250 rxns


       One Step RT-qPCR Probe Kit v2 is a kit for multiple reverse transcription - fluorescent quantitative PCR reactions using RNA as a template. During the experiment, reverse transcription and quantitative PCR are performed in the same reaction tube, which simplifies the experimental operation and reduces the risk of contamination.

       The kit contains thermo-stable Reverse Transcriptase to efficiently synthesize the first-strand cDNA, and contain hot-start Ab-Taq DNA Polymerase to quantitative amplification, making it suitable for probe based qPCR. The product already includes all components for reverse transcription - fluorescent quantitative PCR, excluding primers and sample RNA, including RNase inhibitors, RTase, and Ab-Taq. It can reduce operation steps, shorten sample addition time, and lower the risk of contamination.


Component Amount
RTQ Enzyme Mix 250 μl
2×RTQ Reaction Buffer 3×1 ml


Storage Condition

